Black Lives Matter

Statement from the Fair Futures Youth Board

While the Fair Futures Youth Advisory Board is dedicated to improving NYC's foster care youth's lives with coaches, we want to bring light to an aligned purpose - the mission of fighting for the Black lives that have been unjustly taken, whether from the hands of the police department or racism. It's important to acknowledge that multiple groups in foster care are marginalized.

These groups deserve our consideration and support; however, Black foster youth are some of the most disenfranchised and vulnerable populations, and they represent over 50 percent in the NYC foster care system.

Black foster youth battle not only their private trauma but must also deal with the psychological trauma of systemic racism. While foster youth can hide their foster care status, Black foster youth cannot shield the color of their skin. They exist in systems in which racism is entrenched, and we must demand better.

We must demand better for Black youth and particularly our Black foster youth who are at the mercy of various types of trauma. Advocating for foster youth must consciously include the intersection of race. Right now we must center the needs of Black youth and Black foster youth by actively being part of dismantling racism. Coaches are critical during an emotional and stressful time like this.

Lastly, fairness is at the core of this conversation and humanity is in our title - Fair Futures.

Ericka Francois
Fair Futures Youth Coordinator